Upcoming Patch 3 & Future Updates

Hello everyone! 

I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been giving me feedback on my game, it means a lot to me that people are playing it and giving me constructive criticism on how I can make it better. I am open to any and all feedback (so long as it is constructive), it really helps me understand how players view my game and what things could be worked on to enhance the experience. I want to create something that is fun, unique, and enjoyable for my players and your feedback helps me greatly with that!

I am currently working on a patch that aims to address a lot of bugs and things that need to be re-balanced that were pointed out by commenters and some other people I had playtest. For such a small patch, development on it will be slow, I really want to take my time to understand what I am doing rather than rush through it like what I've been doing since I started this game for my capstone project. I am hoping to release patch 3 sometime in June.

I want to perfect the demo before I start working on the rest of the game. I have a lot of ideas for future updates that will improve the quality of the demo like better visuals, the ability to control the speed of text in dialogues and the combat log, and I'm even taking a music class in the fall semester, so hopefully I can make my own music tracks!

I hope you are looking forwards to the new patch and future updates and thank you once again for your feedback and your patience! :)

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